Everything I need to know about life I've learned from the Gilmore's

I was going through some of my old documents on Google Docs and came across this one that makes me feel like I should be watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls when I'm bored because there is nothing like it.

Everything I need to know about life I've learned from the Gilmore's

  • Almost anything can be 'Dirty'
  • The four food groups consists of: Fast food, Junk food, Frozen food, and Take-Out
  • Always carry a book you never know then you'll need it.
  • Oy, with the poodles already!
  • God lives in London
  • Coffee is essential for survival
  • Swans are vicious birds.
  • Snow is magical
  • The difference between cows and humans is hay
  • Childbirth is like doing the splits on a case of dynamite
  • The fish flies at night
  • If you walk with a Harry Potter book on your head and drop the book, Harry will die.
  • If men can name their kids after themselves, why not women?
  • Never buy something because it's furry.
  • Backwards baseball caps and flannel never go out of style.
  • Copper Boom!
  • It's much better to have a haunted leg than a cold
  • You can never have too many Thanksgiving dinners.
  • Booze is grown-up milk and cookies.
  • A lap is an illusion
  • If you're frustrated with someone try pushing him into a lake.
  • When stuck in a hopeless situation climb out the balcony window
  • The answer to problems in the mid-east is, "I have the poop".
  • Dressing up in a cute little maid costume is as close as any self-respecting girl needs to get to cleaning up.
  • Answer the pepperoni.
  • Roombe= vacuum and entertainment in one nifty package.
  • Beware of Jeep-hitting deer.
  • Keep that horoscope it may bring you luck.
  • Stay away from windows when drinking.
  • The last supper can be funky
  • Sometimes you just gotta deviled egg a car.
  • The greatest bonds is that of a mother and Daughter.

This is quoted from a t-shirt that I was lucky enough to have been able to find on online. Yes it still exists!
